Wednesday, June 1, 2011

6/1/2011 Status

We got back from our trip to the Indy 500 Monday evening and both dogs were happy to see us.  Debbie and Jim took great care of Zak and Sally and are considered by all as a second set of parents.  While we were gone, the dosage of Prednisone was stepped down according to the doctors instructions.  The diminished doses of Prednisone resulted in a tremendous enlargement of the lymph nodes. 
Tuesday I canceled most of my appointments to stay home with Zak.  His lymph nodes were horribly swollen and he was extremely lethargic.  I was convinced he had given up and was ready to die.  I kept close watch on him all day.  Craig called his doctor first thing and left a message requesting a call back to discuss Zak’s current situation.  Olivia came up to spend some time with him before going out of town knowing it could be her last chance to visit with him.  Zak enjoyed seeing her.  By the late afternoon and no call back from Zak’s doctor  I emailed my veterinarian friend, Laura.  I asked her if I could up the prednisone to help him out and she said that would be O.K.  I immediately took action and by bed time his lymph nodes were noticeably smaller. 

Today he has much more energy, but still not the normal Zak.  He is eating, smiling and much happier than yesterday; however, I suspect the end is near.  As long as he is comfortable, we will keep enduring this horrible situation.   It will be so hard to let him go – we all love him so much L.  On a good note, I have him another day J. 

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