Saturday, May 14, 2011

Thoughts on a very special friend.

Zak has a lot of friends, so anyone interested in knowing how he is doing can read and contribute to this diary.  Zak was an adopted “mutt”, so maybe this will inspire someone to consider adopting a homeless pet.

When we take a pet into our lives, we all need to accept the fact that it is a temporary relationship and someday we will have to part with them.  They become part of the family, so this is no easy task.  So love them, savor the time you have with them and let them go with dignity when it’s time – no regrets .   “I hold it true, whatever befall; I feel it, when I sorrow most; 'tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.” (Alfred Tennyson)

You can learn a lot from your four legged friends.  We spend so much time trying to teach them to understand us, but step back and look at what they have to teach.  Love, forgiveness, companionship, happiness, enthusiasm – all the good stuff.  These are the things we should all strive to do better at as humans.

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