Saturday, May 14, 2011


This morning Zak ate well (chicken livers & Kibble).  He went outside with us to have coffee and I brushed him which he really seemed to enjoy.   His stomach was not as red, so perhaps the disease  builds during the day and retreats during the nights rest.  He seemed mellow outside but actually played with Sally inside, running and barking at her.  

I’m taking lots of pictures of the dogs because I don’t want to lose the memories.  I decided that I should write about his life as well, so I’ll start with when we got Zak.

It was a charity pancake breakfast at the Overgaard private airport.  The local animal rescue was there with a liter of puppies.  Olivia, our daughter,  latched on to a cute little black puppy and would not put him down.  She had wanted a dog for some time, but we had objected.  She was coming up on her 13th birthday and said all she wanted for her birthday was this puppy. There was just something about this puppy that was different and I fell in love with him that day as well.  

Craig was dead set against getting a dog but reluctantly agreed (outnumbered 2 to 1), so we brought him home.  We didn’t really know what kind of dog he was other than extremely cute and mysteriously “magnetic”.   This was the first day of a bond & special friendship we were ALL so lucky to experience. 

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